Here at,
we provide everything you need to succeed in the vacation rental business.
Here you will find the products, tools and resources to set up and maintain your property for maximum customer satisfaction. Keep yourself educated on the cutting edge techniques for developing your properties and enhancing your customer base.
We are committed to Vacation Rental Excellence™!
As a real estate investor and property manager, Beach House Jim is committed to continuous improvement and ongoing education… and you should too. Here are the courses, workshops, and educational services he offers to keep you up-to-date on the latest tools and techniques:
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“Beach House Jim” Hebin has been a real estate investor since 1984, but the history of his involvement with property management and asset protection goes back to his early childhood.
His mother was the eldest of eight children, many of whom owned and ran their own sporting camps in the deep woods of Maine. Starting at age eleven, Jim always has summer jobs waiting for him there, where he got the opportunity to learn about the tourism industry while delivering ice, water, wood and kindling to cabin-dwelling visitors. His father bought and renovated single family homes and rented them to long term tenants in middle Georgia; this is where he mastered the art of landlording and rehabbing houses.
In 1984, while attending college in Southern California, his attended his first of many Jack Miller seminars and bought his first house shortly thereafter. Using a variety of artificial entities and acquisition techniques such as lease/options, assignable contracts, land trusts, corporations and LLCs, Jim was able to buy, sell and rent properties to supplement his income through his college years and beyond. As an avid student, Jim also studied under many of the greatest minds in the real estate industry: John Schaub, Pete Fortunato, Jimmy Napier, Dave Tilney, Mark Warda, Jack Shea, and Dyches Boddiford, to name a few. Jim worked a number of years developing course materials for IMPAQ, a management training and consulting firm; then spent several years as creator and owner of the successful internet service provider 10seconds. All the while, Jim continued to buy, sell, fix up and rent properties in Orange County, California.
By 2002, Jim sold his internet business and liquidated his real estate holdings in California, and moved his family to the beach communities along the Gulf Coast of Florida. Although he continued to buy, fix and operate single family homes as long-term rentals, much of his focus has been on setting up and managing short-term rental properties and small hotels/motels along the beach; he set up the business Florida Coast Cottages to help other vacation property owners set up the systems to keep their propertoies in tip-top shape and ful of happy guests. This is where he earned the nickname “Beach House Jim.
As expanded, he began sharing his property management techniques with other investors and property managers, culminating in the class now named “Vacation Rental Fundamentals.” He has been featured guest on several local radio and TV shows to discuss landlording and asset protection/estate planning, and has been a forceful advocate for property tax reform in Florida. Since 2006, he offered mini-seminars in the Tampa Bay area, and continues to offer private mentoring and coaching to investors who want to learn effective investment and property managment strategies and how to implement them. He is not a licensed attorney nor CPA and therefore cannot provide legal or financial advice; but with his breadth of knowledge and experience, come and enjoy his unique teaching style as he shares his tools, techniques and tips to help your vacation rental business.
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